Keiko Fujimori and Rudy Giuliani team up

Like her dictator father, Alberto Fujimori who broke nearly every Perú law, including suspending the Constitution of Perú and illegally closing the Congress of Perú before beginning his reign of terror, theft, political assassinations, and more, Keiko Sophia Fujimori is headed in the same direction, as the Fujimoristas (her father’s political party; Keiko, under the advice of her brother Kenji, changed the name of her party to Fuerza 2011) is filled with candidates who have drug connections that have been denounced by the governments of the USA, UK, and other nations (see: Ángel Páez, “Fujimorismo Candidates Allegedly Tied to Drug Trade” at  U.S. State Department documents leaked by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks have pointed to other connections between members of Fuerza 2011 and suspected drug traffickers.  DEVIDA, the Perú national anti-drugs commission, promoted an Ethical Commitment against Drug Trafficking to be adopted by political parties taking part in the elections. Fujimori and her party did not sign it as the Fujimoris have long been associated with illegal drug running and sales. 

Keiko Fujimori with Pepe Vásquez at a political rally 2011

Among the suspected Fujimoristas is José “Pepe” Vásquez, for alleged ties to Peruvian drug lord Augusto Arriaga, a well-known singer of Afro-Peruvian folk music, was the first to come to light, only a few days after Fujimori presented her list of congressional candidates.   La República, a Lima newspaper, exposed two other Fujimorista congressional aspirants suspected of having contacts with drug trafficking cartels:  Karina Beteta and Juan Almonacid are both from the central province of Huanuco where coca leaf and cocaine is produced in the Upper Huallaga valley and both have a record of being “familiar” with narcotraffickers (The CVs submitted by Beteta and Almonacid did not mention that they are under investigation for drug trafficking and money laundering).

Karina Beteta (Fujimorista) running for Congress in Perú

Prosecutors suspect that Beteta, a lawyer, helped cover up the illicit origin of assets owned by her brother-in-law, Luis Egoavil, who has a criminal record for drug trafficking.  Keiko has refused to make comments on the charges or the time she spends in the Andes where drug runners are numerous.  This has led the head of the National Council for Public Ethics (Proética), Cecilia Blondet, to tell IPS:  “As things stand, it would seem that drug trafficking is not an issue of real concern and interest to some authorities” ( El Comercio, published a diplomatic cable from the U.S. embassy in Peru dated Nov. 28, 2006, alleging that Rofilio Neyra, a businessman, had links to the drug trade., but Keiko defended him and kept him on the Fuerza 2011 ticket.  Keiko Fujimori has herself been linked to persons investigated for drug trafficking as has her brother who won a seat in the Perú Congress which provides for a lifetime pension.  Keiko admitted on a television programme that she received campaign contributions in 2006 from the family of fisheries businessman Eudocio “Olluquito” Martínez, who was investigated for drug trafficking charges, and she has not denied they are financing her present campaign (see my previous blogs on Keiko and her family.

Susana Higushi holding photo of her daughter Keiko Fujimori

Keiko’s mother, told El Popular (6 May 2011), that her daughter is seen as an angel by many, but to her is the devil: “Susana Higuchi describe a Keiko: ‘Ella es la candidata natural del Fujimorismo. Tiene ángel para la gente de afuera, pero para mi tínen cara de diablo” (read: Japan Weekly Monitor. 2002-03-04.  She would tell Perú police and prosecutors that her husband (Alberto) and daughter Keiko would abuse her. After she divorced Alberto, her former husband and dictator of Perú declared that his teenage daughter, Keiko, would be First Lady of Perú which was a highly unusual and controversial move in the conservative nation in South America, especially since Keiko had no experience in politics and would never have a job for even one day before she was awarded with a seat in the Congress of Perú in Lima (see:; see: and

Keiko Fujimori when asked a question during the campaign

Keiko’s modus operandi follows that of her despicably nefarious fascist father: lies and bribes.  Her bribes are universally known: giving rice to the poor to buy their vote, silencing the military with money stolen from

Vladimiro Montisenos Torres, chief spy of Perú

the Perú treasury by Vladimiro Montesinos Torres (who also challenged dollars, no Perú soles, to Keiko while she was attending Columbia University as papa Alberto wanted his daughter to have a “real education” than to be taught in Perú), and claiming that she was an interactive congresistas while missing more than 400 sessions, etc.), but to this list she adds congenital lies. The latter, her nature to lie to the people of Perú, is easily seen in her spending Perú wealth on a lying Mayor of New York: Rudy Giuliani (read:, who made the bold and nonfactual statement that he cut crime in New York City by 50%.

Rudolph (Rudy) Giuliani when running for president of the USA

Giuliani often talks about how crime in NYC declined while he was at the city’s helm–and that’s true. But he’s purposefully lying when he describes the city as having “record crime” until he took office. This is not true. The violent crime rate had peaked in 1990, as the property crime rate hit a high point in 1988—long before Giuliani was elected mayor. Giuliani’s mayoral rule began in 1994—four to six years before Giuliani became mayor.

Giuliani's record on property crime rate 1994-2000

Giuliani’s political campaign was technically, but not factually, correct when it claimed that crime was cut “in half” in his term, which ended in 2001. During his time in office violent crime fell 56% in NYC but only 33% nationally. If Giuliani had ever been honest during his destructive years as mayor, Giuliani would have been correct to say the city was experiencing “NEAR record crime,” but a “record” is “an unsurpassed statistic.” This ad is simply false when it says the city experienced “record crime … until Rudy.” (Source: AdWatch of 2007 campaign ad, “Challenges” Nov 27, 2007).

Giuliani's record on violent crimes (1994-2000)

Crime did dropped dramatically during Giuliani’s tenure from 1993 to 2002, but that was the result of his advisors actions, neither his personal actions nor attention to the needs of victims. Like Keiko Fujimori, he lied to his people to gain political office and wealth.  The fact is that the city of New York is still in the midst of a record-setting trend for consecutive years of declining violent crimes. It is a trend that actually started under Giuliani’s predecessor, David Dinkins, in 1990, when a high of 174,542 violent crimes were reported according to the FBI, and has continued under his successor, Mike Bloomberg. In 2006, a new low of 52,086 such crimes were reported.  Both Dinkins and Bloomberg were more successful in cutting crime in New York City than Giuliani ever was—Giuliani, like Keiko Fujimori, merely was playing to the conservative fears of losing their wealth, a wealth that came by mistreating and underpaying employees, maintaining poor housing and doing nothing to stop inflation, and like Keiko Fujimori, working to cut taxes for the wealth at the expense of the dwindling numbers in the Middle Class and making poverty a more prevalent and ghettos greater in number than before.

Jaywalking against a light or where there was no safety painted stripes in New York City

Rudy Giuliani’s idea of “security” and “crime control” is o have his police officers aggressively enforce the anti-jaywalking statute (not crossing the street at designated crosswalks), declaring certain formerly legal street-crossings off-limits; and, by installing fences on Midtown corners to prevent any pedestrian traffic at those points, so as not to impede the flow of motor vehicles on the major arteries.  Giuliani was known throughout New York City as favoring cars over people flew in the face of most current urbanist thinking. (Source: America‘s Mayor, America‘s President?, by R. Polner, p. 65-6 May 2, 2007.)

Giuliani’s initial attack on “crime” and the “lack of security” was unique—especially by Perú standards.  As Giuliani wrote in his autobiography:

Giuliani considers windshield washing without permission a serious crime

That’s how the idea for addressing the squeegee man problem appeared.

There were men who would wander up to a car stopped in traffic, spray the windshield, & wipe it down. After the unsolicited “cleaning,” the man would request payment. [This crime was unacceptable to Giuliani, and believed all those who washed windshields without being requested and then asking for payment was tantamount to committing a grave crime—Giuliani would be totally frustrated if he was driving a car in Lima, Chiclayo or any other city where many youths do just that to make a living or subsidize the low incomes of their parents. Giuliani never asked why the men would spray a windshield and afterwards request payment; Giuliani saw it only as extortion and a terrorist threat against those who could afford cars.]

Jaywalking hazards and Giuliani wants it regulated like a crime

My belief was that treating small crimes was a way to establish lawful, civil behavior & a feeling of safety. The police chief said we lacked a legal basis to move them as long as they were not threatening drivers or demanding money. I said, how about that they are jaywalking. When they stepped off the curb they violated the law. Then, in giving them tickets, you could investigate whether there were outstanding warrants & so on.

In under a month, we reduced the problem dramatically. New Yorkers loved it & so did all the visitors who brought money into the city

Source: Source: Leadership, autobiography by Rudolph Giuliani, p. 41-43 Oct 1, 2002 ; for a response to Giuliani’s autobiography, see:

Homeless in NYC (Guiliani was mayor 1994-2000)On November 20, 1999, Giuliani went after the homeless after one deranged man attacked a woman on the street, seeking money (Source:

In New York City.

  • Every night more than 40,000 people–including more than 16,000 children–are homeless and must sleep on the streets of New York City.
  • Currently 39,000 homeles men, women, and children bed down each night in municipal homeless shelters, and thousands more “rough it out” and sleep on the streets or in other forms of shelters, such as cardboard boxes.
  • Each year, more than 113,000 different homeless New Yorkers, including nearly 43,000 children, sleep in the municipal shelter system that is denounce regularly by Republican candidates for office.
  • The number of homeless families has doubled over the past decade, and did not decrease when Rudy Giuliani was mayor.

Homeless in winter in New York City when Giuliani was mayor

In January 2000, on one of the coldest nights of the winter in recorded New York City weather history, New York City police officers with badges began pulling sleeping homeless out of bed, dazed and destitute and putting handcuffs on them after one homeless and mentally ill man suffering schizophrenia pushed a woman into the path of a subway train after being refused change for coffee ( They were being arrested for failing to appear in court in the distant past to answer for such heinous crimes as public urination, sleeping in the subway, and begging for food in public (Source: Source: America‘s Mayor, America‘s President?, p. xvii & 55 May 2, 2007 ). 149 homeless were arrested. At City Hall Giuliani was ecstatic. “These are quality of life crimes,” he exulted.  Most of those arrested were not only homeless and with nowhere to go, but had afflictions, such as mental illness and substance abuse, common to those who end up on the street. When a New York Times article recounted the arrests, the mayor exploded. “There’s no way immunity in the law that says if you are homeless, you then get away with committing a crime,” Giuliani said. “You can ignore the problem and say, ‘Gee, I’m such a big, fuzzy-headed liberal that I’m going to walk away from it.’ That’s NYC in the 1980s. That’s New York City with 2000 murders.”  (cp. This was a repeated action on February 28, 2000, which brought a letter of praise from Perú dictator Alberto Fujimori.

Like Keiko Fujimori who believes in a police state, patterned after her father’s secretive work with chief spy Vladimiro Montesinos who organized massive slaughters from the Barrios Altos to La Cantuta University, Giuliani’s only initial success was adding a few more police officers in 1994 to the New York Police Department—that rode rampant over the human and civil rights of Blacks and Latinos, and were seldom brought to court or faced justice.  Only later does Giuliani add (or recognize) the housing and transit police to his later tally–that added close to 7,100 officers to the New York City Police Department’s rolls—to control and extort money from the poor, the minorities (especially Blacks and Latinos), etc.  Like Keiko Fujimori, Giuliani distorts by expanding the numbers:  Giuliani claimed that the number of New York Police Department officers when he took office was 28,000.  That is inaccurate, to state it kindly, but a lie in reality.  

NYC Police Statistics (Giuliani mayor 1994-2000)

When Giuliani took office the New York Police Department numbered 29,450. That means that when the lying New York Mayor Giuliani left office there was only an increase of 3,660, or about 10%–Giuliani did not add an additional 12,000 police officers in his tenure as New York City Mayor.  When arguing about the increase of 3,660 new police officers, it discounts the number of police officers who quit after Giuliani became mayor, thus making the tragedy even harder. The truth is that “The rank-and-file police officers dislike Giuliani because of the economic issue; they felt they were the heroes of his administration–they dealt with the issue of crime; they saved lives–but Giuliani’s position was: give them zero. They were not given raises; they were not treated fairly. If you speak to the rank-and-file police officer, you will find out that there is no love affair.” Another police spokesperson added, “[T]he cops, to a person, despise him today for building his career on their backs and becoming a law-and-order mayor, and never taking care of the people who did the work. He was behind us publicly. When he came into office, crime was at a peak [and Giuliani reduced crime]. But before he was elected, we were among the highest-paid police officers in the nation. We got a 5-year contract under Giuliani with 2 years of no raises. We’re starting to see the impact now: they can’t get enough recruits and they’ve had to lower the standards to hire. (Source: Flawed or Flawless, by Deborah & Gerald Strober, p.165-166 Jan 16, 2007.)

Fujimori at Japanese embassy in Lima

Giuliani likes to portray all New York City police as law-abiding, honorable citizens who would never deliberately use force unless the situation required it.  That, too, is a lie similar to Fujimori’s claim that those who took over the Japanese embassy and surrendered to the police had to be executed.  On Aug. 9 1997, a melee occurred outside a club in Brooklyn, a bar frequented by Haitian [Black] immigrants. Police officer Justin Volpe was kicked in the head. Angered, he grabbed Abner Louima, a 30-year-old bystander, and arrested him for assault & disorderly conduct. The rest is history.

Abner Louima

[The sexual brutalization of Louima where he was repeatedly sodomized by Police Officer John Volpe while threatening to kill Louima using police batons.  Volpe admitted his crime in an open court (Source: CNN News. (1999.) “30-year sentence for N.Y. policeman in torture of black man”.

NYC police who sodomized and tortured Abner Louima

This attack on Louima occurred in the precinct’s bathroom and would come to be regarded as one of the most notorious episodes of police brutality ever recorded (Source: Amnesty International. (2000.) “Take a Step to Stamp Out Torture”, and Amnesty International. (1998.) “AI Report 1998: United States of America” Amnesty International records the act as follows, taming it down for public reading: “). Giuliani was quoted in Newsweek in 1999 about the case, saying “I think brutality happens, but in the late 1990s it’s an aberration.” Newsweek makes the incident more palatable by claiming that the attack occurred once: “Late one night in August 1997, Louima was arrested, handcuffed, beaten and dragged into the bathroom of a Brooklyn precinct house. There a swaggering, powerfully built officer named Justin Volpe shoved a broken-off broom handle up Louima’s rectum, then waved the feces-covered stick under his nose and threatened to kill him if he ever told anyone about this excruciatingly painful assault.” The absurdity of Giuliani’s claim, heralded and championed by Keiko Fujimori is proven false by a full investigation, as published by Newsweek:

Police Officer Justin Volpe

But a spate of high-profile incidents suggests that even good cops can overreact, damaging relations between police departments and the mostly minority communities they serve. Within hours of Volpe’s guilty plea, an unarmed 16-year-old Bronx youth, Dante Johnson, was shot and seriously wounded by a member of the New York Police Department’s Street Crimes Unit.  In both instances these crimes were hate crimes–before hate crimes were illegal and justified by the Westboro Baptist church of Kansas, and so frequently not prosecuted (never under Giuliani’s tenure as mayor of New York City) and sometimes not even mentioned in the local media (radio, television, newspapers, and so forth) as racism has long played a role in New York City politics and among non-Black and non-Latino police forces and even within the New York fire department. Volpe was not a unique racist.

Amadou Diallo (1975-1999)

The Street Crimes Unit was also involved in the February death of Amadou Diallo, a 22-year-old African immigrant who was shot 19 times despite the fact that he was unarmed and had no criminal record. In Riverside, Calif., the FBI is investigating the death of 19-year-old Tyisha Miller, who was shot 12 times by four white officers while passed out in her car, with a gun in her lap, last Dec. 28. In Los Angeles, a 54-year-old black woman, Margaret Mitchell, was shot to death on May 21 by a Los Angeles Police Department officer. Mitchell, who was mentally ill, apparently lunged at the cop with a screwdriver–but she was only 5 feet 1, and the officer had his partner as a backup. “What’s frightening to me is the lack of evident interest in attacking the problem,” said Harvard Law professor Christopher Edley Jr., a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. The commission, which previously reviewed police conduct in Los Angeles, held hearings in New York last week.

Concerning the Diallo murder, Giuliani stated: “With regards to the Diallo verdict, Giuliani said, “If police officers act in the line of duty to protect a community against violent criminals and drug dealers, then that the community should stand up and support them when police officers’ lives are put in jeopardy.” Although Mr. Giuliani was asked several times how he could answer concerns in the neighborhood about police brutality, he did not directly answer. (Source: New York Times, Page A-23 Mar 3, 2000.)

Al Sharpton opined, “There was a tone. And the fact that something so vicious could be done in a police station with other officers there has to give you an idea of the mentality that the police must have had at that time, that they could get away with it. He did this in the precinct and no one turned him in, no one stopped him, no one made a move. And that’s frightening.” (Source: Flawed or Flawless, by Deborah & Gerald Strober, p.177-178 Jan 16, 2007.)

Racial tensions increased dramatically when Giuliani was mayor of New York City. In March 2000, there was a fatal police shooting in New York City of a black man named Patrick Dorismond that underscored the Mayor’s political vulnerabilities (read:  Giuliani’s mishandling of this tragic case inflamed old hostilities between his office and the city’s minority populations.

Patrick Diasmonde

Giuliani exacerbated the crisis when a calm and reassuring tone was needed. Citizens in many neighborhoods, especially minority ones, felt that the police under the Mayor’s leadership could not be trusted as Giuliani did nothing to discipline the police and took a cavalier attitude toward the assassination. The minority communities’ wariness was fed by well-known cases like the shooting of Amadou Diallo in the Bronx the year before. When Giuliani released Dorismond’s sealed juvenile records, casting aspersions on a man who was dead, he merely drove the wedge deeper and intensified the distrust.

Giuliani’s handling of the Dorismond case was wrong. Instead of easing the tensions and uniting the city, he had poured salt into the wound. “New York has a real problem, and we all know it,” I [Hillary Rodham Clinton] said. “All of us, it seems except for the Mayor.” Source: Source: Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton, p.514 Nov 1, 2003.)

While hiring 10% more police officer (Giuliani exaggerates the percentage and claims it was 12%) and 12.8 percent more teachers, he worked against other working, unionized, groups as Giuliani sliced municipal manpower elsewhere by 17.2 percent, from 117,494 workers in 1993 to 97,338 in 2001.  Giuliani scrapped the city’s 20 percent set-asides for minority- and female-owned contractors, and a 10 percent price premium that such companies could charge above the bids of white, male competitors.

Rudy Giuliani’s lies even about himself and his family on the issue of crime. This is equal to the way that Keiko Fujimori is working hard to have the people of Perú forget about her dictator father’s sordid past, his flight to Japan to run for the Japanese Senate or about her own delinquency in Perú’s Congress, or her brother Kenji’s rather unique experiences.

Drag Queen NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani before advising Keiko Fujimori

For years the former New York City mayor declared that the Giulianis were a law-abidding and dedicatedly closes Christian family. The truth is opposite of what the New York mayor told the people of New York City, although he did appear in “drag” (a cross-dresser) in women’s clothing.

The darkest details of [Rudy’s father] Harold Giuliani’s past did not fully emerge until 2000 when investigative reporter Wayne Barrett unearthed that he had been arrested in 1934–ten years before his only son’s birth–for robbing a milkman of $129 at gunpoint. Harold pled guilty and spent 16 months at Sing-Sing. Rudy Giuliani had four uncles who were police officers and a fifth who was a firefighter. But Harold was not the only family member who had ended up on the wrong side of the law. Harold’s brother-in-law was a Brooklyn loan shark. Harold worked as Leo’s muscle, collecting as much as $15,000 a week. (Source: Source: America‘s Mayor, America‘s President?, p. 3 & 56 May 2, 2007)

Giuliani responded to the revelation [in Barrett’s biography] by saying that he did not know anything about the matter. There was, however, another case involving Harold that Rudy surely was aware of. As a teenager, Giuliani was with his father during a peculiar episode in a park restroom that resulted in Harold’s arrest for “loitering” while others noted that what happened was “sexual solicitation” but whether it was the father soliciting sex with another man for himself or with his son is not been stated or printed. The charge was dismissed.

To add to Giuliani’s lies, matching those of would-be future dictator Keiko Fujimori of Perú, was among the spurious and outrages lies that he funded the salaries of additional New York City police. The funding for additional police in New York City came under the auspices of the Bill Clinton’s COPS program that gave New York City enough money to cover the first $25,000 of the salaries of about 3,500 new officers from 1997 to 2000 [i.e. almost all of the new New York Police Department hires were paid for by the federal government as Rudy Giuliani, like nearly all Republicans and Fujimoristas, was against federal government involvement in state mayors, and like the erstwhile Republican governors of Texas, Wisconsin, New Jersey, etc. refused to accept federal assistance to control crime, assist the handicap, provide food to the poor (save at election time when they, like Keiko Fujimori, would buy votes by giving out cheap food (with Keiko, the food given the poor was rice)].  (Source: AdWatch of 2007 campaign websites Oct 9, 2007.)

Rudy Giuliani’s attitude toward the poor of New York, matches Keiko Fujimori’s attitude toward the poor in Perú—they are important when there is a vote to be cast. Giuliani’s policies toward the poor were particularly uncaring and cynical. If many people of color saw their rights violated by the police, no doubt many were happy to live in a safer city, or as Giuliani put it with typical delicacy when asked by a Washington Post reporter what he had done for minorities, “They’re alive. How about we start with that?” )Source: America‘s Mayor, America‘s President?, by R. Polner, p.170 May 2, 2007)

Those who differed with him were “idiotic” or “crazy” or “jerky” or “childish” or “perverse” or “whining” or “pathetic” or “hysterical” or “belonging in a psychiatric ward.” His comments concerned matters large and small, and were directed at large segments of the community as well as at individuals. When asked to defend his administration’s record on minorities, he replied: “They’re alive, how about we start with that?” When a caller to his radio show complained about a ban on keeping ferrets as pets, he replied: “There is something deranged about you . . . I know you feel insulted by that, but I am being honest with you. This excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness.”

Bess Myerson

Like Keiko and Kenji Fujimori, Rudy Giuliani would go to any lengths to win. While a USA Attorney US Giuliani would go to bizarre lengths in pursuit of a conviction.  One case was especially gruesome but Giuliani posited it would help in his political career. It developed in his prosecution in the late 1980s of Bess Myerson, a former Miss America, TV personality, and city official, on bribery and mail fraud charges. Rudy took advantage of a mentally troubled woman, Sukhreet Gabel, choosing her as one of his witnesses against her own mother, Judge Hortense Gabel who had spoken out against the Gestapo tactics of Giuliani and who had figured in Myerson’s attempt to have her then lover’s alimony payments to his ex-wife reduced.

Sukhreet Gabel and her mother Judge Hortense Gabel

Rudy had clearly overreached in pitting a daughter against her own mother, and both Myerson and Judge Gabel were acquitted. Myerson went on record as noting, “Rudy had been told this is an unwinnable case. Clearly, their strategy was to throw me to the wolves. I never met Rudy; though I knew he was heavily involved. It was one of his pet projects because he wanted to run for mayor and what could be better than bringing down a judge, a Mafia contractor, and Miss America, Koch’s “girlfriend,” in one swoop? “Source: Flawed or Flawless, by Deborah & Gerald Strober, p. 56 Jan 16, 2007

The lie that Rudy Giuliani cut taxes

Giuliani: “He cut taxes 9 billion.” But to arrive at the $9 billion figure Giuliani takes credit for the passage of 23 tax cuts. The taxes that were cut were those that hurt the poor and especially the Middle Class, while profiting the rich and super-rich, thus endearing him to the most scrupulous and underhanded families in the USA: the Koch Brothers (one lives in New York City, the other in Kansas) who are numbered in the to ten of the world’s worse polluters, dumping chemical waste from their Georgia-Pacific paper mills into the once-clear waters of the State of Arkansas, and darkening the skies over their various other factories throughout the USA and elsewhere.  But Rudy considers them friends, and they applaud his lack of conscience and truth, as eight of those were state tax cuts approved in Albany and a ninth was a tax reduction Giuliani vociferously opposed before agreeing to side with the city council on the matter for political reasons (see: Taking away those tax cuts, Giuliani can justifiably claim credit for lowering taxes by $5.4 billion, or $8 billion if he’s allowed credit for the big cut he lobbied against (see:

Significant segments of the New York City community found Giuliani’s remarks anything but laughable or excusable. They came to see the Mayor not merely as a political adversary but as an enemy. Many were deeply ambivalent, at best. “Giuliani is a tragic figure,” Michael Grunwald wrote in a generally admiring article in The New Republic, “an effective administrator whose personal flaws have kept him from greatness, a strong leader whose accomplishments have been overshadowed by his passion for confrontation.”

Giuliani saw immigration, especially of Latinos, and terrorism in tandem. “In an era of a War on Terrorism,” he said April 25, “how do we create more security?” Giuliani worried law-enforcement officers will be so busy handling “a system that’s already unenforceable” that they won’t “focus on the people [Latinos] that we have to focus on who… [Mexicans and other Latinos] might come here to carry out terrorist acts or to sell drugs or to commit crimes.” He wants tighter U.S. borders and high-tech identification for immigrants (see:

Giuliani’s lies about health care are overwhelming as are his numerous other lies (Source:  Giuliani is on record as having said: “My chance of surviving prostate cancer — and thank God I was cured of it — in the United States? Eighty-two percent,” says Rudy Giuliani in a new radio ad attacking Democratic plans for universal health care. “My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England? Only 44 percent, under socialized medicine.” Paul Krugman of the New York Times exposed this bold-faced lie and chastised Rudy Giuliani for lying about his prospects of surviving cancer. 

Let’s start with the facts: Mr. Giuliani’s claim is wrong on multiple levels—bogus numbers wrapped in an invalid comparison embedded in a smear.

Mr. Giuliani got his numbers from a recent article in City Journal, a publication of the conservative Manhattan Institute. The author gave no source for his numbers on five-year survival rates — the probability that someone diagnosed with prostate cancer would still be alive five years after the diagnosis. And they’re just wrong.

You see, the actual survival rate in Britain is 74.4 percent. That still looks a bit lower than the U.S. rate, but the difference turns out to be mainly a statistical illusion. The details are technical, but the bottom line is that a man’s chance of dying from prostate cancer is about the same in Britain as it is in America.

As a fact-check in The Washington Post put it: “The Clinton health care plan” — which is very similar to the Edwards and Obama plans — “has more in common with the Massachusetts plan signed into law by Gov. Mitt Romney than the British National Health system.” Of course, this hasn’t stopped Mr. Romney from making similar smears, [but the former Massachusetts governor has never been known to be totally honest about anything].

At one level, what Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney are doing here is engaging in time-honored scare tactics. For generations, conservatives have denounced every attempt to ensure that Americans receive needed health care, from Medicare to S-chip, as “socialized medicine.”

Part of the strategy has always involved claiming that health reform is suspect because it’s un-American, and exaggerating health care problems in other countries — usually on the basis of unsubstantiated anecdotes or fraudulent statistics. Opponents of reform also make a practice of lumping all forms of government intervention together, pretending that having the government pay some health care bills is just the same as having the government take over the whole health care system.


This isn’t the first time Rudy Giuliani has been called out by New Yorkers, by now I’m sure everyone has read or heard about the NY Fire Department Union that wants nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani (Sources: and 

Now others are calling him out for exaggerating or misstating facts in order to knock out adversaries and enhance his chances at being nominated for the GOP primary and potentially the U.S. Presidency.  Buy becoming an “advisor” to Keiko (as he was to Alberto), Giuliani can replenish his war chest for a new campaign and further deplete the respectability of the USA and make law enforcement a joke and security an illusion.

Giuliani, like one-time/part-time Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has never told the truth, have no concept of USA history or USA political science and government, and are perfect matches for the undereducated Keiko Fujimori who has never worked one day in her life and has missed 400 days of legislative sessions in the Congress of Perú in Lima. Keiko’s record of work in the Lima Congress has never been stellar; her introduction of important legislation does not exist.  Keiko Fujimori will be a disaster and she will destroy what little chance Perú has for advancement in education, industry, trade, and respect in the world, for she will be another Alberto Fujimori: a terrorist, dictator, liar, disgrace to Perú and increase poverty, hunger, and further lower education standards.


Filed under Black Americans, Education, Koch Brothers, Labor, Perú

5 responses to “Keiko Fujimori and Rudy Giuliani team up

  1. Susan

    Very interesting. However, I think Keiko attended SUNY Stony Brook on Long Island and perhaps she was only in the ESL program at Columbia to study English.

  2. Nadia Mercy Cabezas López

    Well, I was not at that time but I know some thing Fujimori did in his government (my father Kaenny told me about it).
    I did not know what to do in the situation of fujimori against “terrorismo”.
    Nobody has to pass over the life of others! That’s the most important thing we must respect, and apart of that I think When a person does not respect human right he or she lose his or her human right.

  3. Steph

    Regarding the information about Luis Egoavil and Karina Beteta, you should really consider your sources because that information has been released and they pleaded innocent. Please remove it or change whatever youre saying please. Thank you

    • A plea of innocence does not prove innocence. The Congresitas have been indicted by the judicial system, and there are numerous records and denunciations from a plethora of people, for the Fujimori government was the most corrupt in Peru’s history, and Keiko the most corrupt of all the Fujimoris–not having worked a day in her life, having missed 400 sessions of congress, etc. Egoavil and Beteta are at best delicuentes, and I stand behind my research and will continue to write about both of these leeches on Peru’s society and people.

  4. Well Perú was always governed by bad and corrupt politics. For me this elections were too difficult because I didn’t trust in those candidates, because of their past.

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